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© 2025 Domaine Ste. Michelle – Paterson, WA

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (Calif. Civil Code § 1714.43) requires manufacturers and retailers to provide information on their efforts to address risks of slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains so that consumers can make more informed choices about the products they buy and the companies they choose to support.

Each day Domaine Ste. Michelle works with hundreds of businesses that help us produce and market our products. Across Domaine Ste. Michelle, we work to build relationships with reputable suppliers who share our commitment to conduct business in a responsible manner in compliance with applicable laws and respect the rights of workers to a safe working environment.

We outline our expectations for suppliers in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Although our operations and sourcing are largely concentrated in the U.S., we understand that our actions may also affect those beyond our border. Respect for people is fundamental to the way we conduct business.

As a condition of our business relationship, supplier contracts typically require compliance with all applicable laws, including those addressing child and forced labor. Additionally:

  • Supplier Verification. Domaine Ste. Michelle conducts reviews that occur at a minimum of annually. The review could include an assessment focusing on performance against quality, compliance, service and delivery, cost and innovation. Domaine Ste. Michelle does not currently verify its supply chain to specifically evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery.
  • Supplier Verification. Domaine Ste. Michelle conducts reviews that occur at a minimum of annually. The review could include an assessment focusing on performance against quality, compliance, service and delivery, cost and innovation. Domaine Ste. Michelle does not currently verify its supply chain to specifically evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery.
  • Procurement professionals and strategic supplier managers’ training. All Domaine Ste. Michelle employees are required to comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct, which states that the company does not condone the unlawful employment of children in the workplace, nor does it condone forced labor. The Code of Conduct is enforced through internal compliance training and audits and employees are trained on The Code annually. Domaine Ste. Michelle investigates all allegations of non-compliance. If allegations are substantiated, they are addressed as appropriate, including training (or re-training) on human trafficking and slavery. At this time, Domaine Ste. Michelle does not maintain additional accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors specific to slavery and human trafficking, or conduct additional training specific to slavery and human trafficking for employees with direct responsibility for supply chain management.